A glass of pineapple juice has immense health benefits. [Photo/elimpulso.com]
From its scientific name Ananas, pineapple juice is the sweet and delicious juice squeezed from the pineapple fruit.
It has high contents of bromelain, high levels of potassium, vitamin B, manganese and dietary fiber.
Some of its health benefits include:
Lowers blood pressure
The high level of potassium found in pineapple juice makes it a good remedy for high blood pressure.
By acting as a vasodilator, potassium can also help to reduce hypertension and protect overall cardiovascular health by reducing ones risk of heart attacks.
Boosts immunity
Contains vitamin C that can kick-start ones immune system and increase the production of white blood cells, which are the primary like of defense for the body.
Prevents Arthritis
Bromelain is an important enzyme found within pineapple.
It provides anti-inflammatory relief to the body,including symptoms of arthritis.
Improves fertility
It contains potassium,vitamin C and a range of B vitamins that are all well-known for increasing fertility in both men and women, and a boost in reproductive hormones.
Prevents cancer
Beta-carotene and bromelain have both been associated with anticancer benefits, namely slowing the production and spread of cancerous cells.
These antioxidant properties can lower oxidative stress and prevent chronic disease, while actively suppressing the mutation of healthy cells