ODM leader Raila Odinga insists that he shall install discipline to party members who openly defy the party's position.

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Last week, Nyagarama reportedly declined to facilitate and ODM Youth League meeting despite being held at his Nyamira backyard.

And in well receiving an update from a task force that is currently carrying out an audit on internal party elections, Raila reportedly asked the party's disciplinary committee to act.

"You are either with us or with them. If you cannot purport to be in a party which you outright defy its leadership.

He added: "The disciplinary committee will deal with errant members because respect must prevail."

Ishrad Sumra, the former Embakasi South MP reportedly clashed with Nyagarama when he was chairing the Nyamira meeting.

The second term ODM MP is currently in the US where he is undergoing treatment and had handed over albeit temporarily to his deputy Amos Nyaribo.