A Cord allied MP has called on the coalition’s leadership to come clear on the push for a referendum and tell Kenyans whether the push is dead or not.
Nakuru Town West Member of Parliament, Samuel Arama, said that CORD must clear the air about the referendum issue and say if it has abandoned the push.
Speaking on Monday morning at a Nakuru hotel, Arama who was elected on an ODM ticket said it will be a big shame to the Cord coalition if they abandoned the push after wasting people’s time in the name of collecting signatures.
He said, “There are millions of Kenyans and Cord supporters who believed in the referendum but since the signatures were collected, everything went silent. Some of us opposed the issue and I want to challenge the Cord leadership to tell the Kenyan public where they took all the signatures.”
Arama called on the Cord top brass to tell Kenyans what happened to the Okoa Kenya signatures which they collected last year.
He added, “They should be ashamed if at all they were playing with the minds of Kenyans and they should apologise to Kenyans if at all they have abandoned the push.”
Arama added that the amount of time used in pushing for the referendum should have been used in strengthening what he called a ‘weak and sickling coalition’.
“Ever since we became the opposition, we have done absolutely nothing to make our party stronger. If things do not change, then by 2017 we might as well not have a party called Cord in place,” he said.