[A man. Photo/Courtesy]

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If you are a man, and you cannot go through this  article without feeling annoyed, it probably is not for you. You are not a real man, yet. Sorry.

A real man makes his own money. Nothing is more nauseating than the sight of a man who keeps asking the ladies in his office to ‘buy him lunch’. Grow up already. No matter the amount, a grown man will never depend on other men or worse, women in his life to make money for him. .

A real man does not gossip. Nobody should gossip. But a man trying to win respect at work or among friends in his circle will not be respected if he develops a reputation for being the group's hotline of nonsense. Gossip is for losers.

A real keeps himself organized. Forget your notions of machismo. You ought to take pride in where you live. No dirty clothes lying around in the sittinf area, dirty socks by the door, unwashed dished everywhere. None of that.

A real man takes care of his appearance. Whatever your choice of look, it ought to be neat in its messiness. The first thing people notice about you is how you look, and your hygiene. Shower, brush your teeth, wear clean shoes.

A man should always strive to be a good role model. A real man respects himself and others at all times. He carries himself with dignity.

One who can defend himself. Men are natural born protectors. But what are you going to protect if you cannot defend yourself from aggression?

If a man is lucky enough to inherit a good fortune from his parents, he ought to grow into ten times what it was.