COTU Secretary General Francis Atwoli has been elected as a member of the International Labour Conference (ILC).
Atwoli was elected on Monday morning during the 107th annual conference in Geneva, Switzerland.
Atwoli's name was proposed by the president of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) Africa Regional Organization, Bro. Mody Guiro from Senegal.
He was unanimously supported by over 5000 delegates in attendance. He will now represent Africa in the bureau together with the International Labour Organization (ILO) secretariat that runs the conference.
“Bro. Atwoli will be charged with articulating, defending and pushing the African worker's agenda at the conference and ensuring that positions reached on various agendas at the conference are in all aspects agreeable and favorable to workers on the continent,” said COTU in a statement.
Atwoli said he was humbled by the trust his colleagues from the continent expressed in him through the unanimous election.