The university of Nairobi Sonu chairman Babu Owino has rubbished claims that he was arrested at Kilimani Police station on Thursday for allegedly causing disturbance and demanding for the release of controversial businessman Chris Obure.The parliamentary aspirant said he had gone to Kilimani police station to demand the release of a University of Nairobi student who had been arrested on Wednesday over alleged disorderliness after a drinking spree."No, I did not go to demand the release of Chris Obure. Kilimani police had arrested a comrade on Wednesday night on suspicion of being drunk and disorderly," said Owino."I mobilised several youths who accompanied me to the station, where we demanded the right procedures should be followed in apprehending our fellow student," he added."However, officers at the station harassed us, it was then that I lost my cool and slapped one of them that is why they arrested me," Owino told eDaily.The Sonu chairman was released on a cash bail of Sh10,000 pending a hearing on Friday.

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