Mariam Mwakombo, holding her baby girl that was born with facial deformities. The baby died on Sunday night. [Photo: NATION MEDIA GROUP]
A baby girl that was born on Sunday morning in Mombasa without eyes has died of hunger.
The baby’s mother, Mariam Mwakombo, allegedly refused to breastfeed her new born child because of the deformity. The baby had deformed nostrils and no eyeballs.
The 22-year-old mother said that she was frightened by her child and thus could not breastfeed her fearing that a bad omen could befall her. She also refused to name her.
Hassan Kitoto, the baby’s father said that he could not understand why God gave him such a child.
“I am equally scared. I have never seen such a human being,” he said.
The baby, born prematurely at seven months and living for only 10 hours, was buried outside their home, in accordance with Mijikenda traditions, to ward off bad omen associated with such kind of a child.
The mother had to give birth at home after being turned away from different public hospitals in Mombasa and Kilifi counties due to the ongoing nurse’s strike that has seen health services come to a halt in public hospitals.
Villagers and family members had wanted to get rid of the child by throwing her in a dungeon to let the ‘gods’ take care of her.