Banisa town in Mandera County has had one water sources, which was a dam, for the longest time.

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The dam was constructed long ago after the town came into existence, approximately 15 decades ago.

Residents of Banisa town depend on the dam for water that they use for their basic needs. Drinks and the sources of the water in that dam are conserved floods of rain water into the dam during each rainy season.

The MP of the area, Mohamed Abdi Hajji has tried his best to drill water for the residents but that has been a short lived dream. Previous MPs tried as well but failed as well. This is because water in the area is a very scarce commodity.

Last week, there was no water in the area, something that is common, only this time, the available water was dirty and could not be consumed or used for anything. Residents got worried as there was no other water source.

With the help of the Ministry of Water and Irrigation, the residents were provided with chlorine for the treatment of bacteria and some was discharged into the dam.

The rainy season started for them and the water was purified as the dam was filled up with rain water. The residents are now a happy lot as they have water to use.