The Communication Authority of Kenya (CAK) has declared war against handling stolen SIM cards. The Authority said if you are caught in the possession of a stolen SIM card you will be jailed for six months or cough a fine of Sh100,000.According to a notice published by CAK on Friday dailies buying stolen SIM cards or operating with an unregistered one is a contravention of section 27c of the Kenya Communication Act of 1998."When buying a SIM card, demand that the vendor registers your particulars; provide a copy of your ID and ensure all your particulars are captured, report any changes in your particulars as soon as possible to your provider for an update," reads the notice in part,The authority also asked the residents to ensure they report lost SIM card to the police immediately."If you lose your SIM card, report to the nearest police station as soon as possible and obtain an abstract. Do not allow strangers to use your sim card. If a stranger is in distress and needs assistance make the call yourself," reads the notice.Defaulters will be subjected a fine of Sh100,000 or 6 months imprisonment or both.
Be alert, CAK declares tough penalty for losing your SIM card
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-Kaka Mwalimu