Black pregnant woman. (Photo/Kamdora)

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You're pregnant! No doubt you have been given the standard list of do's and don'ts from your healthcare provider detailing all of the foods you should avoid for the next nine months. These ingredients found in beauty products could also affect the health of a pregnant mother and an unborn baby.ParabensFound in lotions, shampoo, cleanser, antiperspirants and body wash. It mimics estrogen and can enter the placenta and the child's bloodstream. It leads to autistic-like symptoms, impaired social behavior and learning difficulties. Opt for products labeled paraben-free.ParfumAvoid fragrances and perfumes that contain phthalates. Found in nail polish, deodorants and hair sprays. They disrupt hormone function and can lead to miscarriages. They are labeled as parfum, fragrance oil, artificial fragrance.RetinoidsIt is an anti-aging ingredient which prevents skin collagen from breaking down. On products, it is listed as Vitamin A, retinoic acid, retinyl palmitate, retinaldehyde, adapelene, trelinoi, tazarotene and isotretinoin. Increases risk of birth defects. Instead use soy, vitamin C, kojic acid and glycolic acid.Chemical sunscreensSome chemicals in sunscreens cause low birth weight- a risk factor for coronary heart disease, hypertension and diabetes.