Most people struggle with getting revenge after a breakup. Not so many people get over a break up quickly. 

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You need to focus on healing after the breakup, not wasting your time and energy on a guy who is destroying your spirit, heart, and life.

Let go of your ex

Revenge is a way to stay connected. You’re searching for tips on how to get revenge on your ex-boyfriend because you don’t want to let go of him. You want him in your life, and you want him to be aware of how much he hurt you. Start by letting him go and you will find better peace.

Get enough sleep

Sleeping well may seem like a weird tip for getting revenge, but it makes sense when you know what the American Academy of Sleep Medicine was about sleeplessness, revenge, and aggression. The sleepier you are, the more likely you’ll keep thinking about how things could have been better.

Let karma do her job

Whether you call it revenge or justice or karma, your ex will get what’s coming to him. If he deserves to be punished, he will be punished. Don’t get in the way of the natural order of justice, or of karma. Let karma or God take care of the past, of the way things “should be.”

Focus on getting yourself back instead of getting revenge on your ex

Don’t let your ex steal your spirit, soul, and dreams! The more time and energy you spend thinking about how to get revenge, the less time and energy you have for healing, growing, and restoring your identity. Every second you spend plotting revenge on your ex-boyfriend is another second of your life that is gone forever.