Lack of communication hurts marriages. (Photo/

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Many marriages end prematurely because of reasons that can be avoided while others are unavoidable. The high number of couples divorcing has raised concern in the society.

 Have you ever asked yourself why many partners vow to stay together until death strikes only to file for divorce a few years down the line. Here are ten causes of divorce.

1. Infidelity

Extra-marital affairs are among the most common reasons for divorce. Many partners find it hard to stay together once of them cheats with someone else.

4. Poor communication

 Lack of communication hurts marriages. Couples who fail to communicate risk parting ways because they share different goals in life.

3. Financial matters

Financial matters have rocked many marriages. It is until the couples find a way of dealing with their financial woes is when they can stay together for years as pledged.

4. Abuse

 Domestic violence is a leading cause of breakups after marriage. Women who are abused as well as men tend to consider walking away.

5. Weight gain

 Weight gain is likely to make one of the partners lose the looks. In gaining weight one feels like you are no longer the person he or she wanted to stay with for life.

6. Unrealistic expectations

 Setting too high expectations is likely to make your spouse give up on the marriage. While setting up expectations ensure that you are realistic.

7. Lack of intimacyPartners who feel less connected to their spouses are likely to contemplate filing for divorce. Intimacy is a cornerstone of marriage.

8. Lack of equality

Partners want to be treated as equals. The moment one of the partners feel less valued then divorce is looming.

9. Not being ready for marriage

 When you are not prepared for marriage there are high chances of divorce. You have to find out whether you man or woman is ready to live with you.

10. Constant arguing

One of the outcomes of constant arguments is divorce. Couples that keep differing over weird reasons find it tough living together for better or worse as they might have assured each other