Police in Kimbo are currently holding a middle aged man who was arrested with several rolls of bhang during a crack down on illicit brews at Kahawa Wendani.

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According to the police they managed to arrest the man after they were tipped by local elders.

Confirming the incident Ruiru OCPD Isaac Thuranira said that several stones of bhang of unknown value were confiscated.

He will be arraigned in court on Monday morning. 

"We managed to arrest the middle aged man who was identified as Ezekiel Kamau and he is currently being held at Kimbo Githurai Police station ahead of his arraignment in court" said Thuranira.

The police urged all the locals to ensure that they give them such information so that they can be able to curb drug abuse that is  currently  on the  rise.

"We are seriously fighting any kind of illegal drug abuse in Kiambu and any leads will be so helpful as currently we have been able to arrest more than 30 people over the weekend who were involved in drug and illicit brew trade," he added.