Thika police have arrested two drug peddlers who were transporting bhang estimated to be worth Sh 12million from Migori County to a local tycoon in Kiambu County.
This happened just a day after Juja police nabbed bhang worth Sh600,000 and bulks of heroin near Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT).
Police noted that Thika and Juja have become ready markets for the perilous drugs, attributing the increased drug prevalence to the high rate of youthful schooling Kenyans within the two towns.
They said that the peddlers were targeting the youth aged 35 years and below.
The police singled out Thika which has more than 45 colleges where young minds seek to better their future through education.
The two, who were in a packed Toyota Noah Vehicle along Thika-Garissa road are said to have been on their way to a home of a wealthy drug peddler in Thika.
The 300 kilograms of bhang in eight and a half sacks were stashed in the boot of the car that is currently being held at Makongeni police station.
Kiambu County commander of police Adiel Nyange who addressed the press on Sunday in Makongeni, noted that the vehicle was spotted by police officers who during their normal patrol.
Thika MP Patrick Wainaina took issue with the judiciary for being lenient with drug peddlers accusing them of issuing kind bonds and thereby fueling continued consumption of outlawed substances.