Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) has won three by-elections for ward representative in Turkana, Kajiado, and Kisii counties.

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The orange party secured ward seats in Kalokol, Turkana county,  Nyacheki, Kisii county and Mosiro, Kajiado county.

In Nyacheki ODM candidate Naphtali Onkoba emerged victorious with 2216 votes as Jubilee candidate Maxwell Magoma secured 1173 votes. 

In Kalokol ward ODM's Josephat Ekeno beat Jubilee's Nangiro Ekai by 1715 votes against 1336.  In Kajiado Mosiri ward ODM's Peter Kuseyo garnered 1079 votes against 1046 for Jubilee's Jonathan Koilekan.

However, it was in Sala ward Tana River county where Jubilee's Fauzia Sadik registered a landslide victory securing 1184 votes against a closest rival Ibrahim Ware of Safina Party.

The by-election results mean that ODM retained its 3 seats losing one to Jubilee Party.

The political battle between the two main parties is set to continue as the general election beckons.