An advert in the local dailies on Monday by the Kenya National African Union (KANU) might have answered the question on whether the independence party will join forces with either Jubilee or NASA in August 8th polls.In the advert, Kanu called on Kenyans who support it to express their interest in the six seats up for grabs and the Presidency is one of them."We invite eligible Kenyans who subscribe to the ideas, vision, mission, objectives and core values of the party to present their expression of interest in confidence to Kanu national election board," reads the statement."As enshrined in the party constitution, women, youths and persons living with disability are highly encouraged to join the party and vie in line with affirmative action, apply not later than 21st February 5:00 pm," reads the statement in part.The announcement caught the eye of many political pundits given that a few weeks ago Kanu seemed to be in coalition talks with either Jubilee or NASA political outfits.
Blow to NASA, Jubilee as KANU plans to go solo
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-Kaka Mwalimu