As the debate escalates over the expenditure of the 2014/2015 funds bodabodas in Kisii town have demanded an explanation as to why the sheds they were promised had not been built.
Addressing the press on Monday in Kisii town, they accused the county government of giving them false promises.
''The government has been playing a game with us. We heard funds were allocated to build shades for us where did the money go?'' asked Joseph Mugambi, the coordinator of the bodaboda SACCO.
One of the bodaboda owners, Kevin Momanyi, wondered where the money for the sheds disappeared to yet it was given a long time ago.
''I have not seen even one shed. It was a good idea to build them so that they can help protect us against rain and sun. We want an explanation on the matter or else we will totally boycott payment of levies,'' said Momanyi.