Aging makes some women uncomfortable and several resort to age manipulation to suit their preferences. 

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However, there are parts of a woman’s body that can help you guess how old she is.1.    FaceThe face is one of the body parts that portrays a woman’s age. Look out for wrinkles and hyper-pigmentation among other aging signs. Also, it is believed that thin women are disadvantaged because wrinkles fancy thin women.2.    HairThe hair usually becomes grey and thin, as one grows old. It will also be brittle and dry. As a woman, you can use oils to add moisture. Hair treatments rich in protein can help you look younger.3.    HandsThese are the best bet if you want to find out about someone’s age. Sun damage is the main cause of aging that is evident in all people. Keeping them well moisturised can reduce the aging process.4.    NeckA turkey neck indicates aging. The thin skin on a woman’s neck makes it easier to notice her advanced age. Women use attractive scarfs to hide their old necks.5.    EyelidsMuscles supporting eyelids weaken, as one grows old. The process can also increase fats around that region. Consume less salt, drink more water and have enough sleep to reduce the visibility of this aging signs.