[Inspector General Joseph Boinett during a past press briefing. Courtesy: Daily Nation]

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The Inspector General of Police Joseph Boinett has jumped into the defense of the Kenya police service, dismissing a recent survey ranking it among the worst in the world.

In an interview with The Sunday Nation, Boinett discredited the 2016 World Internal Security and Police Index (Wispi) report released on Saturday, arguing that it could not be trusted.

"I don't agree with the report because we even don't know who the sources are. The owners cannot be trusted," Boinett said.

Boinett added that the National Police Service is committed to dispensing its duties diligently, asserting that some individuals may have been hired to paint the service in bad light.

"The Kenya police service has been doing well in the recent past and the report does not reflect what is in the country," he said.

Kenya was ranked position 125 out of 127 in the report.

Botswana was ranked position 47 globally, and position one in Africa.

Wispi ranks nations based on the ability of their police to deal with security issues.