[Improvised Explosive Devices. Bomb experts successfully denoted two explosives in Boji Dera, Isiolo.] Photo/Star.)

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Bomb experts successfully denoted two explosives in Boji Dera, Isiolo County.According to police reports, the unexploded mine and a mortar bomb were discovered by a ranger from Gotu conservancy about 95km from Isiolo Police station.

The incident comes just three weeks after a grenade exploded in Eskot in Garbatulla killing one person on the spot and injuring two others.

Explosives found buried in the region are suspected to have been left behind after the Shifta war of the 1960s.

Al Shaabab militants have been burying IEDs in the ground which have killed several road users in the Northern parts of the country.  

The militia group is suspected to be hiding in the Boni forest, something that led the military to ask herders grazing near the forest move from the area for the military to bomb the forest to flush out the Al Shaabab terrorists.