President Uhuru Kenyatta. Photo: The Star/

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Former first lady of the republic of Kenya Mama Ngina Kenyatta has for the first time publicly campaigned for his son President Uhuru Kenyatta.

Mama Ngina expressed her desire for Uhuru's re-election during a burial ceremony of a close family relative in Gatundu on Thursday.

The former first lady said his son has a legacy he wants to leave for the nation and he can only achieve that when re-elected.

"Uhuru has a vision for this country that he is yet to fulfill that's why he needs a second term in office," she said.

"All who registered as voters please come out and stand with Uhuru for a win, having a voters card is not all you still need to turn out in August and vote because this time the contest won't be easy but we can win if we stand together," she added.

She also assured the Gatundu people that in local politics the president was not having any preferred candidate but has given them the mandate to choose their own.