Busia County Chief Officer Culture and Sports Engineer Gilbert Oduory, November 13, 2017. [Photo|Busia County Government]The County government of Busia will embark on upgrading the Busia County Stadium in the Financial Year 2018/2019 to enable the facility host premier league matches and athletics meetings.County Chief Officer for Culture and Sports Engineer Gilbert Oduory said part of the upgrade will include installation of floodlights, drilling water borehole, erecting inside perimeter fence to enhance security and construction of VIP toilets."More funds will be allocated in the subsequent financial year to construct "Russian" stands for fans to protect them against rain or sunshine. We are determined to raise the profile of the Stadium to international standards," he said on Monday.Eng Oduory said the Department will embark on talent search geared towards selecting players to form a County football team to be entered for the National Super League or Premier League."The County will start talent search academies at County and Sub County Levels to identify potential players in various disciplines. We shall also formulate policies to guide on how to finance individuals to represent us at international level," he said.Eng Oduory said the Department will start a quarterly sports magazine to highlight on sports achievements in the county and what the County has in store to make it the County of Champions.He said all Cultural Centers in the seven sub counties will have a playing ground that will be used by sportsmen and women to nurture their talents.

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