Kisii town is based in the Nyanza region and it is one of the fastest growing towns in the country with a good population.
One can start any business of this category and he or she can thank me later;
Due to the increased population in town, one setting up a hotel business will not be bad.
The high number of people transacting businesses in town will not leave the town without visiting a hotel to drink or eat. Try it and you will earn good money.
Kisii town has a good number of students learning at the various colleges and universities in town.
The same students will be thronging to a Kinyozi and salon to have their hair made. It is a good business to set up in town.
Bar and restaurant
Kisii town has got various tribes and starting a bar business in town will not be a regret because some occupants in town can buy beer, whine and at the same time orders Nyama Choma to eat as they enjoy drinking. Anyone setting up a bar and restaurant business stands a good chance of earning good money.
Boda boda business
Most residents in town have preferred the use of motorbikes than matatus.
In case you want to take part in the transport sector business try buying a motorbike and you will stand a good chance making good money in a day by ferrying customers across all corners in town unlike matatu business.
Printing/photocopying business
Kisii town has a good number of colleges and universities. As a result one setting up a printing and photocopying business will not regret because learners in the institutions will throng the business areas to photocopy and print school assignments.
We are in a digital world. Coming up with a cyber in town is another ideal business.
Students in town will without doubt throng into the cyber to submit assignments online and do research on various topics.
No regret will be there when one starts a cyber business in town.