The Kenya council of catholic bishops (KCCB) wants the government to move with speed and address the land grabbing issue which has become rampant under its leadership.

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Speaking on Wednesday evening at the St Mary’s pastoral centre in Nakuru, the council through the deputy secretary general of its education committee Archbishop Maurice Anthony Crowley, said that government must crack the whip by naming and prosecuting those involved in land grabbing across the country.

The council said that failure by the government to name and punish those involved in the syndicate is encouraging other people to do the same.

He said, “The land grabbing issue has become a thorn in the flesh of the government but the sad thing is that the people involved in this syndicate are not being named neither are they being taken to court. This makes it easy for other to do the same because they know after all they will be touched. The government must address this issue with the seriousness it deserves and the president must not allow this land issue to ruin his government’s reputation.”

Crowley added, “If there are people in government who are working with and protecting these land grabbers then they must be named and punished because if they are allowed to do what they one then one day they want to garb every little space available.”

He said that the problem of land grabbing is not only in Nairobi but across the country and called on the government to protect land owned by public institutions by ensuring that they get title deeds for their lands.