Following the murder of human rights lawyer Willie Kimani, his driver and client by alleged rogue police officers, plans to increase surveillance in police stations are mooted.

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The increased extra-judicial killings have left many in fear making Kenyans lose trust in the police.

Due to this, Kikuyu MP Kimani Ichung'wa has said there is need to install CCTV cameras in police stations, as they would help deter the police from torturing suspects in custody.

He said this as a proposal to Interior Cabinet Secretary Joseph Nkaissery in a meeting with parliament’s security and administration committee.

Nkaissery said that the government will consider the proposal.

Gatanga MP Humphrey Njoroge seconded Ichung'wa saying that CCTV footage would have helped capture the killers of the three.

Jane Wangui, a resident of Kiambu town said that CCTV cameras would have also helped discover the killers of the two young men from Kiambu who had been in police custody but their lifeless bodies were later discovered in a forest.

The CCTV cameras would be a strong solution to curb custodial torture and prevent deaths of innocent Kenyans.

Many hope that the government will agree to the proposal and implement it with immediate effect.