Cherengany Member of Parliament in a past event.[Photo\Daily Nation]

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Cherengany Member of Parliament Joshua Kutuny has said that the end and future of Kenya is in the hands of IEBC chairman Wafula Chebukati.

Speaking in a press conference, Kutuny has advised the IEBC chief to conduct an election that meets the dictates of the constitution.

He has told Chebukati to remain firm and steadfast in ensuring that the election is held on October 26 by turning on deaf to the NASA's pleads to leave office.

" NASA demanded for the exit of IEBC CEO Ezra Chiloba,he is out. I'm praying that Chebukati will not be driven by evil powers to leave office as he has a fulcrum role to play. The butterfly is in the hands of Chebukati. He can decide to kill it or let it survive for the better fortunes of Kenya.’’

His sentiments come as the NASA co-principals asked Wafula Chebukati to exit office to shun the dire consequences expected to take shape in the election aftermath.

But Chebukati has been adamant and committed to conduct fresh polls as demanded by Supreme Court.

This is evident with the arrival of the ballot papers from Alghuair, Dubai in preparations to kick start the voting process on Thursday, with the deployment of the voting materials underway.