IEBC chairman Wafula Chebukati has called for the replacement of four commissioners who resigned from the polls body.

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According to Chebukati, the replacement of the commissioners will enable the commission carry out its operations smoothly.

 Accompanied by commissioners Professor Abdi Guliye and Mboya Molu, Chebukati said the law is clear on replacement of commissioners.

He was speaking to the press after holding a meeting with IEBC officials from Machakos County at a Machakos hotel on Wednesday.

"The appointing authorities should go ahead and replace the commissioners so that we can carry on with our normal duties," Chebukati said. 

He also maintained that IEBC  was going on with its 'other' administrative duties.

"We cannot hold plenary meetings but that's not the only work we do. There is a lot of administrative work," he said.