National Director of Children’s Services Noah Sanganyi in an African attire receiving the equipment. [Photo|C.Aoya]
The Children’s Department is now embracing technology through the Child Protection Information Management System (CPIMS) as a step to safeguard and protect children’s welfare in the country.
National Director of Children’s Services, Noah Sanganyi said the system enables children officers in the counties to collate and store data in regard to children’s welfare in their respective areas for action.
Sanganyi said children departments in 15 counties so far have rolled out the system that makes it easy to document cases of child neglect, abandonment, child labour, child abuses etc for action.
“We got support from USAID to do a pilot study on this pogramme and I can confirm o you that the project is going on successfully, what we are now focusing on is rolling out this to other counties,” he said.
Speaking in Kisumu over the weekend when giving out CPIMS equipment to Vihiga, Bungoma, Busia and Kisii counties, Sanganyi said the CPIMS will help the government to respond with tailor made solutions for challenges faced in various counties.
He said they intend to roll out the system in all the 47 counties by end of June 2018.