Nairobi city county Askaris face a bleak future after members of the county assembly raised concerns on how the inspectorate staff has been handling hawkers.

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The county assembly feels the staff have been way too brutal in handling of the city hawkers and have demanded immediate action and an end to the same following widespread public unrest.

The recent crackdowns on hawkers as well as beggars located in the city’s CBD has seen most of those on the receiving end suffer actual physical harm as well as psychological torture considering some of the hawkers have actually had to flee and leave their stuff behind.

The Nairobi County Assembly now wants a committee formed to have the activities of the askaris monitored.

Jayendra Malde, mover of the motion, lamented that the inspectorate staff was costing the MCAs trust from the general public.

“The inspectorate staff has developed a poor attitude characterized by frequent violent confrontations between them and the business community, resulting in a lack of trust from the public,” said Malde.

A lack of implementation of the reforms passed earlier therein had flowed changes in the operations of the staff.

It remains to be seen what good becomes of the motion and how the policy shall be implemented in the coming days to make sure it is win-win for both parties.