Energy Regulatory Commission acting director-general Pavel Oimeke. FILE PHOTO | NMG

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Commercial and industrial powers users will from Friday start to benefit from the reduced power tariffs by up to a third for those that shift their operations to night hours.

The Energy and regulatory commission (ERC) says ths power cut tariffs are only for those who will operate from 10pm to 6am when the demand of power is low.

The ERC acting director General Pavel Oimeke said, “The new power cut night tariffs will help the growth of industries while maximizing on the surplus power that can be utilized during off peak hours.

Previously the charges by Kenya power on industrial users was at Sh.7.50 per kilowatt hour. (Kwh) now they will be charged at Sh.5.00 per kilowatt hour (Kwh).

Commercial users were charged Sh.9.50 to 7.00 per unit.

The shift by manufacturers to night production of their various products is expected to have an effect on the price of commodities that the Kenyans will buy.

This is a move by the government to encourage more investment in the industrial sector.