There are many types of boxers men can choose from. However, men make silly mistakes with their boxers that don’t appeal to the public. Here are crazy mistakes men make with their boxers that they need to change immediately:

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Wearing wet boxersMost men at one point in their life have worn wet boxers. They just don’t realize the health hazards associated with wearing a wet boxer. This habit brings about a bad odor and also makes it easy for bacteria to form a habitat around your genitals. Wearing wet boxers causes itching around your genitals.

Failure to wash the boxerSome men take too long before they take a shower. All this time they don’t change or wash their boxers. This brings about some erotic odor that makes even its owner uncomfortable.

Showing them offIs it swag when a man sags? Some men think it is swag sagging their trousers to show off their boxers. This makes one look stupid and old-fashioned. It doesn’t hurt to tuck in properly hiding your dirty torn boxers.

Repeating a boxerMen are just one of a kind. It is possible for a man to wear the same boxer for a month or even more. You remember the wash and wear idea, right? This is why ladies should include boxers in gifts they plan to buy for their boyfriends.