Residents of Akado Market, Seme Constituency, took to the streets to protest against the rise of insecurity in the area.

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This came after the residents chased away the police officers who were manning the area last week, on allegation that they were protecting and supporting thieves who have been terrorising them.

According to a local trader in the market, the officers take no action whenever a suspect is taken to the police station, adding that you will find the suspects walking freely the following day.

‘It is time we are given officers who will work to combat the rampant act of stealing of cattle and from local shops and not to be bribed by the suspects," added the trader.

The area chief, Julius Onyango while addressing the issue said that they would see new officers deployed in the area within the week to help curb the rise in insecurity in the area.

‘We are not going to spare anybody who is making the area unsafe for investment, we shall bring the culprits to book," said Chief Onyango.

The Administration Police, who were manning the area were transferred after the residents turned against them last week after one of them accidentally shot a woman dead by a stray bullet during the demonstration.