Customers at a KCB banking hall. [Photo/]

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A Geopoll Straw Poll survey has revealed that most Kenyans prefer convenience more than customer service when it comes to banking services.

63 percent of the Kenyan respondents prefer a bank that gives them convenience in banking services above everything else.

This is more than the 62 percent and 50 percent recorded in South Africa and Nigeria respectively.

The study was conducted in August among 2,825 respondents drawn from Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa showed that

In South Africa and Nigeria, respondents leaned more towards customer service rather than convenience.

Transaction fees, lack of good loan facilities and complicated loan processes were among the major reasons respondents were unhappy with their banks.

“In Kenya, 37 percent of respondents mentioned loan facilities and processes with 22 percent mentioning transaction fees. Customer service was third mentioned reason at six percent,” the report stated.

The survey which was based on customer satisfaction also revealed that 40 percent of the respondents from Kenya preferred Equity Bank to all other lenders in the country. KCB Bank came in a close second at 35 percent followed by Cooperative Bank at 18 percent. “Changing consumer needs brought on by increased use of technology have left many banks playing catch up in services such as mobile and internet banking to their customers,” the report stated.