Cord demonstrations seem not to end anytime soon following the firm stands held by the govt and the opposition on the reconstitution of IEBC.

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The Opposition (Cord coalition) has for the last three weeks been pushing for the reconstitution of the commission arguing that they are not ready to go for another election with the same commissioners.

On the other hand, the Jubilee coalition which makes the govt of the day is asking Cord to use the right channel to air their grievances.

To remove the IEBC commissioners, Cord is required to use the parliament which they fear the govt might use to kill their proposal due to tyranny of numbers.

The church which is now leading negotiations between the two sides met the IEBC officials and the Jubilee coalition on Tuesday to look for a way out but seems to be in vain.

IEBC commissioners led by Isaac Hassan added salt to injury by maintaining that they hold the office through the constitution and they will not resign.

“The commissioners hold their offices by virtual of the constitution, and as we have said in our last press conferences, we will continue to discharge our duties and we will not resign,” Hassan said.

Cord leaders have maintained that they will continue with their demonstrations every Monday until the commission is reconstituted.