Cord leader Raila Odinga has threatened to launch a demonstration come next week to compel the government to fully implement the one third gender rule as stipulated in the constitution. Odinga faulted the government of frustrating devolution by trying to change laws and as the official opposition they will not sit back and watch devolution fail hence said in three months’ time they want to see to it that the one third gender rule is implemented. Addressing a delegation of Orange Women democrats’ drowned from thirty Counties at his Opoda home in Bondo, the former premier regretted that women find it very difficult to rise in elective positions since they get rejected in every place they wish to vie given the fact that they shift their original homes to go settle elsewhere after getting married. He said that women are important in the society hence their interest should be respected and the only way to put more women in leadership position is through implementing the affirmative action just as stipulated in the Kenyan constitution. Raila Odinga at the same time maintained that there has to be a better way of handling this situation constitutionally without causing problems hence jubilee government must comply as it has happened in other countries with devolved systems like South Africa and Germany. Odinga also renewed the calls for the need devolve security to the counties noting Governors who are the county chiefs be the chair to the security committee at the county.