Kenya has had four different presidents since Independence. The presidents have led this nation in different terms. Former President Daniel Torotich Arap Moi went into the books of history as the longest-serving head of State. Each of the President’s had his achievements and failures. Here is an overview of what each of them achieved during his term in office.  From this, you can easily decide on who the best president is.

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President Uhuru Kenyatta

President Uhuru Kenyatta’s regime has seen many projects initiated. Uhuru, who serving his second term in office, will be remembered for the initiating of the Standard Gauge Railway (SGR). The new project has revolutionized the transport sector since it was launched. During President Uhuru’s term in office the mothers had reasons to smile after he launched the free maternity project.  The service has seen many public hospitals offering better services. Other notable achievements of President Uhuru include Opening JKIA terminal, Beyond Zero Campaign, Digitization of records, Use of social media, Huduma Centres, rural electrification and tarmacking of roads

Former President Mwai Kibaki  

Besides his high sense of humor and oratory skills, Mwai Kibaki achieved several things during his reign.  During his rule, the nation experienced sustained economic growth, thanks to his knowledge in the sector. Kibaki also changed the education sector by offering free Primary education. It is during his term in office that many elderly and young Kenyan enrolled in different primary schools to pursue education. Free primary education was among the key targets for the The National Rainbow Coalition (NARC). He also revitalized the agriculture and oversaw the implementation of Constituency Development Fund as well as Information Communications Technology

Former President Daniel Toroitich Arap Moi 

 Moi is loved and hated in equal measure. Forget about the haters, Moi achieved several things during his regime. The former president prioritized education, which is evident from the high number of Moi schools across the nation. He will be remembered for opening of the new Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) on December 8, 1978.  There was also an expansion of various health facilities during his term in office. He also oversaw the growth of tourism, agriculture, commerce and industry sectors over the period. Moi will also go into the books of history for fighting to unite Kenyan tribes. When he took over power from the late Kenyatta, Moi promised to follow his footsteps.

Former President Mzee Jomo Kenyatta

Jomo Kenyatta is the founding father of the nation.  He went into history for making Kenyans realize the fruits of their sweat. Throughout his rule, Kenyatta pursued the agriculture sector. He was encouraged farmers to invest their effort and time to sustain themselves. There was also infrastructural growth during his term in office.