Kisii County Assembly speaker, Kerosi Ondieki has challenged county government employees to take performance contracting forms as a catalyst to better their service delivery.
He said the binding agreement forms should boost the performance of employees in the county which will be felt by the county residents.
Ondieki likened performing contracting forms with Israelites when they reached a covenant with God whereby Israelites agreed to obey God’s laws while He fulfils His promises.
“Signing performance contracting forms is like entering the covenant with the government just the way Israelites reached covenant with God,” the speaker said.
He said the introduction of performance contract forms is an important step towards improved service delivery in Kisii County.
The speaker said the departmental officers should not keep the forms on their shelves but make use of them to better their performance.
He said the people of Kisii expect more from their county employees since most of the functions formerly under national government have been devolved.
“Most of the ministries formerly under national government have been devolved to the county government that is why the people expect more from us”, the speaker said.
He cautioned lazy workers who either report late to duty or frequent absentees to either change their behaviour or the forms will force them to exit the service.
He was speaking on Tuesday at Kisii County assembly.