Nairobi governor Mike Sonko.[Photo/]

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Nairobi County governor Mike Sonko has said that his government will sponsor 612 students who performed well in last year's KCPE.

According to Sonko, top three students in the county's 204 public primary schools will benefit from the fund from next week.

"This is in line with our agenda of supporting education of the bright needy students from Nairobi City County," he said on Friday.

Sonko stated that he has already given instructions that all the bursary allocation forms be released to all the public primary schools.

"We decided to do this as we wait for the free secondary education program by the national government."

The government has already released Sh29.5 billion for the free education project in both primary and secondary schools.

Sonko warned head teachers and other education officials against using such programs to enrich themselves.