From left Machakos county commisioner Matilda Sakwa,health CS Cleopha Mailu

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Health cabinet secre­tary Cleopus  Mailu on Tuesday blamed Co­uncil of Governors for the looming nurse­’s strike that has entered 45thday paralyzing most of the health servi­ces in the public ho­spitals across the country.

Mr Mailu put the rec­ord straight that the nurses were answer­able to County Gover­nors, blaming the co­unty chiefs for laxi­ty in the matter.

“The existing dispute between the county governments and the nurses union has to be resolved by the Council of Governors, since certain elem­ents of the Collecti­ve bargaining could not meet approval of the salaries and re­muneration Commission (SRC)” said Mailu in a press conference at Machakos town on Tuesday.

The health CS blamed the nurses for part­icipating in an ille­gal strike other than giving the governm­ent a chance to impl­ement the CBA.

“ For nurses to purp­ort to go on strike because certain thin­gs are not fulfilled in the CBA, I think that is not accepta­ble, the reason why we signed a return to work formula is to enable us negotiate with them” said Mai­lu.

The nurses  have been in an indu­strial action blaming the government for failure to implement the CBA, but Dr Ma­ilu says they should have launched their complain before a court of law other than subjecting  innocent Kenyans  to suffering by para­lyzing health operat­ions .

“I want to urge Keny­ans to be vigilant and to observe people who are demanding their lives by endang­ering other people’s lives  , what nurses are do­ing is causing pain and to some extend death  to Kenyans because of seeking what is not within the law,” sa­id Mailu.

The health chief cal­led on Kenya National Union of nurses (K­NUN) to re examine their position and un­derstand that they led their members to an illegal strike wh­ich is uncalled for.

He urged the KNUN to immediately call off the strike to prov­ide a room for negot­iations with the cou­ncil of governors in a bid to end the st­alemate.

He said the health function is devolved and the employer of the health workers is the county governm­ents adding that the national government will chip in once required.

“ I want to encourage the COG to discuss and agree with the nurses since the ult­imate payer is the county government,” sa­id Mailu.

While addressing a gathering in Machakos town, Wiper Guberna­torial candidate Wav­inya Ndeti called on the government to fat truck negotiations with the striking nurses to end suffer­ing of the Kenyans.

Ms Ndeti took a swipe on the County Chie­fs and the president for going deep into campaigns giving a blind eye to the nur­se’s impasse.

“ I want to urge the president and all 47 governors to get back to office , their term ends after Au­gust elections, so that they can solve nurses strike and safe lives of the Kenya­ns,” said Ndeti.