My dear husband, if you will have to cut my breasts then cut them today,
When they are still erect and full of honey,
Do not cut them tomorrow when I have lactating babies and they are swollen with milk!
If you will have to chase me away from this house that we are building together,
Then chase me away now when I still have enough strengths to build another,
Do not throw me outside in the cold tomorrow when my thighs are withered and my body is frail,
Do not throw me outside in the cold when I have seven children clutching at my feet and my hair is broken!
My dear husband, if you will have to cheat on me with a teenager.
Then do it now when I still have the curves,
Bring her home and let her also see my smooth round buttocks and my soft lips,
Do not bring her when my lips are cracked and my buttocks having stretch marks,
Do not bring her when my breasts have fallen on my chest such that she calls me an old woman!
My husband, if you will have to beat me with blows and kicks,
Then beat me up now when I still have young blood running through my veins and the wounds will heal faster,
Beat me up now when I am still alone and I can run away and look for another husband,
Do not kick my stomach tomorrow when I am heavy with your child and Cause my vagina to bleed out thick clots of what was supposed to be our child,
Do not beat me up tomorrow when my son has started growing hair on his balls because you do not know what the young adult may just do to your hairy balls as well,
Do not beat me up to tomorrow when I will have nowhere to go and my skin is wrinkled making the wounds to pain forever!