Ecinomist David Ndii. [Photo| Nation]The National Super Alliance (Nasa) Strategist David Ndii has ruled out any hopes of working with President Uhuru Kenyatta or the Jubilee government. Speaking during an interview on KTN News on Monday, Ndii said he doesn't respect the Jubilee leadership. The economist further noted that Uhuru and he are not peers in anyway and therefore the president is not qualified to lecture him on matters concerning the country. "I don’t think he is qualified to chart the course on how I can contribute to my country. Uhuru is not my peer professionally, intellectually… anywhere," Ndii said as quoted by the Star. "You would have to work with them every day... I don’t respect them. I think (it would) be dishonest. I would have to pretend and call them 'sir',  which I wouldn’t mean. And I am a principled person," he added. Ndii was recently arrested for allegedly inciting the public.

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