In our African communities, we were raised up knowing that sharing is a good thing that is encouraged.

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Sharing was one of the ways to bond and socialize with other people.

Many things could be share including clothes and food.

Cases, where a friend or neighbor would come and borrow your favorite cloth for a certain event were common.

The practice where people borrow clothes from each other is still common in the current society.

According to sociologist Anne Kamau, the practice is common in rural areas and also in institutions of higher learning.

However, what many don’t know is that sharing clothes is one of the easiest ways through which deadly disease transmit.

With the change of lifestyle and environment, some disease thrives well through sharing clothes.

Here are the deadly disease that especially women can easily get through sharing clothes.

1. Vaginal candidiasis

 It is a yeast infection that causes inflation, irritation, and itching. It can easily be obtained through sharing clothes especially underwear’s.

2. Ringworms

 It is a fungal infection that causes red patches on the skin and can affect the scalp, groin, beard or one's cheeks.

It spreads through sharing infected clothes.

3. Chickenpox

 It is also known as varicella and is caused by a virus and is characterized by itchy red blisters that appear all over the body.

4. Anemia caused by body lice 

Body lice are tiny insects that live in clothing and beddings.

 They feed on blood. They usually bite around the neck, shoulders, and armpits.

They cause intense itching leading to skin leisters.

 They can also make one anemic if they consistently feed on your blood.

As much as sharing is a good thing, people and more so ladies should be careful when sharing clothes especially undergarments.
