Transport along the Chepkoilel road was on Wednesday disrupted as the demonstrating University of Eldoret students blocked the road.

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The students hit to the streets demonstrating over alleged arrest of their colleague on Monday.

The arrested students were said to have held a strike protesting over extended power blackouts in one of the student hostels identified as Chania.

Speaking to the press during the protest, the students’ governing council chairperson Jesse Kipyego said that they were striking because some of their colleagues were arrested unlawfully.

Kipyego said that the students were demanding for the release of the arrested comrades, adding that the extended power blackouts, ‘unqualified’ lecturers are among other reasons for demonstrations.

Responding to their allegations, University of Eldoret Vice Chancellor Prof Teresia Akenga said that the arrested students had been taken to court on Tuesday and had pleaded guilty of conducting unauthorized strikes.

“The alleged blackouts in Chania hostels were normal and the Kenya Power officers worked on it,” she said.

Prof Akenga also said that the part time lecturers and the university were employed as per the university senate standard regulations.

The rioting students were dispersed by police officers using teargas canisters, after intense confrontations ensued between the police and the students.