A Jubilee MP in Nyamira County has claimed that Nyamira County Deputy Governor Amos Nyaribo is targeting to kick out county workers who are not loyal to him.

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Nyamira County Women Representative Jerusha Momanyi faulted Nyaribo for intimidating and blackmailing county secretary Eric Onchana.

“The recent wrangles witnessed in the county have been caused by Nyaribo who want to punish leaders who have not been loyal to him. 

"It is a big shame for the DG to target his opponents who have refused to cooperate with his bad ways of leading the county,” she said.

The MP claimed that county MCAs should be vigilant and ensure no county worker is victimized by Nyaribo. 

“The county public service board should not allow Nyaribo to sack workers unnecessary. MCAs should keep watch on Nyaribo and ensure they don’t give him room to sack workers who are not loyal to him,” she added.

She stated that Nyaribo should stop abusing the powers given to him by his boss governor John Nyagarama who is sick in hospital.