Nyamira County Deputy Governor Amos Nyaribo has called on local leaders who are spreading propaganda about the county leadership to keep off and concentrate on constructive activities.

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Speaking during the Madaraka day celebrations at Nyamira primary school ground on Friday, he   said local politicians are desperate because the county has refused to dance to their tune.

"Allegations being spread by critics that I have intentions to overthrow governor Nyagarama are false and misdealing. 

"Those behind the malicious allegations are desperate because the county government has failed to fall into their tricks to either award tenders to them or employ them and their relatives,” he said.

He rubbished claims that the state of Nyamira county hospital is poor saying the county purchased enough drugs to serve members of the public seeking medical care at the facility. 

“I was shocked to learn through the media that the state of the Nyamira county hospital is deplorable. 

"I wish to clarify the fake claims by saying that the county has invested more in the health sector by stocking more drugs in the stores to be given for free to patients,” he said.

Nyaribo said the county has put efforts to improve water supply to the Nyamira county hospital.