Cord leader Raila Odinga embarked on a spirited campaign on Monday to counter the recent rebellion from Western Kenya leaders.
During his tour to the region, Mr Odinga reminded the residents how he helped them during his tenure as Prime Minister.
Raila alluded how he helped leaders from the region capture key ministries in government and also making former Emuhaya MP Kenneth Marende Speaker of the national assembly.
He also mentioned the various projects that he initiated in the region terming them as his 'personal initiative'.
“I did more things for the Western region than for Nyanza during my tenure as a Prime Minister in the grand coalition government,” Raila said.
Raila further promised the region that it will benefit more if they elected him.
“Vote for me and you will realise more of these developments,” he said.
Despite the warm welcome, Odinga was heckled at Sabatia by pro-Mudavadi supporters.