Nothing gives comfort like a warm hug be it from a friend or a lover. But, warmth is not the only thing you get from a hug.

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It makes you feel close and connected to people you care about. Below are the reasons why you should get a hug every day:1. Hugging makes you feel good When you hug someone, oxytocin hormone is released and this makes you feel warm and good inside. Besides, oxytocin heals the feeling of loneliness, isolation, and hunger. 2. Hugging lowers blood pressure A hug lowers your blood pressure by activating pressure receptors which are found under the skin. They send signals to the vagus nerve area of the brain thus, lowering blood pressure. 3. Hugging helps build trust A sense of safety and buildup of trust is gained through hugging your partner regularly because this leads to openness and honest communication.4. Hugging is good for your heart A hug is good for the heart because it makes you feel good and happy. 5. Hugging is a stress relieverA simple hug could go a long way in toning down stress levels. The touch and light embrace alters psychological sequence which in turn, triggers a low-stress response6. Hugging strengthens our immune system Through hugging frequently, you will have less severe cold symptoms unlike those who don't hug. It usually protects people who are under stress from the increased risk for colds.