Transport​ and Infrustructure Cabinet Secretary Eng James Macharia (Photo /

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New generation digital driving license issuance is set to begin this January for Public Service Vehicles (PSV) drivers. 

Transport Cabinet Secretary Eng James Macharia, has reiterated that this move would be essential to curb road carnages on the roads. The licences are set to cost sh. 3000 per each driver.

“The new generation e-licence will be issued to all drivers starting this January in a phased programme and priority given to PSV vehicles,”  Transport CS , James Macharia said.

In a raft of measures introduced by the ministry, repeat offenders will loose their licenses permanently, pay spot fines or be forced to attend driving school afresh.

“All drivers, particularly PSV vehicle drivers, will be retrained once more in a phased manner. This will be done in various training centres and all accredited driving schools across the country using the new competency based curriculum,” said CS Macharia.

The new driving license will contain 20 points that will be progressively deducted for each offence committed. A driver will loose a point in offences like overlapping and will have a week to recover the lost point if he doesn't commit another overlapping offence.

Drunk driving will be the highest causality for a driver losing upto 10points and 10 weeks to recover.For a PSV driver to be employed, an employer is required to check NTSA portal for any offences committed by the driver.“Employers will be required to check the NTSA portal for driving history before employment,” said the CS.Rogue drivers information will be shared by insurance companies that will see premiums for such drivers increased since they will be considered as risky clients.