Presidential directives and decisions of the Cabinet are communicated to line ministries through letters from the Head of Public Service and no one has justification to create controversies concerning the same, President Uhuru Kenyatta has said.

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He said The President makes decisions to respond to the needs of Kenyans and this was the case when the National Government allocated funds to the Bungoma County Referral Hospital and the Lamu County Hospital.

Line ministries implement the directives communicated by the Head of Public Service, who also coordinates Cabinet affairs and programmes, following processes and procedures provided for within the law.

Speaking in Webuye, President Kenyatta said the funds allocated to Bungoma County Referral Hospital, which some have tried to label as improper, was done through a Presidential directive.

The President said he made the decision when he was informed by leaders of Bungoma County, led by Governor Ken Lusaka, that the hospital lacked infrastructure to accommodate modern equipment supplied through the Managed Equipment Services.

“We were here in Bungoma when Governor Lusaka and the other leaders informed me that the hospital cannot accommodate the new equipment and I gave a directive. Now somebody is describing the funds we gave to the hospital as theft. Who stole it? Or is it that you do not want Webuye hospital to be supported by the National Government?” said the President.

The President said a directive he issued today to allocate Sh300 million to Kibabii University to enable the institution complete the construction of proper facilities will be communicated in a similar manner.

“Those who make noise should take note that today I issued a directive for the allocation of Sh300 million to Kibabii University. Let them tell us if they oppose Kibabii University getting help,” said the President.

The President made the statement when he addressed a public rally in Webuye after presiding over the inaugural graduation ceremony of Kibabii University and also touring Panpaper factory which the Government is reviving.

He was accompanied by Governor Lusaka and 10 Members of Parliament among other leaders.