Most men in Kenya and the world over hate nagging women. However, an interesting research has revealed that men without this kind of women are missing much.

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Sociologists from Michigan State University in the US have discovered in one of their researchers that a nagging wife is good for a man’s health.

The study looked into the lives of 1218 married couples over a period of five years. The couples were between the ages of 57 and 85 when the study commenced.

The findings revealed that men in unhappy marriages were found to be less likely to develop diabetes compared to their peers in happy marriages. As if that is not enough, the research further revealed that in any case the men in unhappy marriages developed diabetes, they found it easy to manage it.

For women, however, the reverse is true that is being in a happy marriage lowers their chances of developing diabetes. Being in the company of a nagging husband, therefore, increases a woman's chance of contracting diabetes.

The researchers further urged that a nagging woman will always pester her husband to eat better, do more exercise and even take medication when he falls sick thus making them healthier.

If the findings, published in the Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, are anything to go by, then nagging is caring.